Just an as business needs to invest in marketing so do people. Many people are already marketing themselves without even knowing it. Trying to look good to attract that someone special? It’s called marketing. If you are looking for the right job, then marketing yourself properly can be a powerful tool, if used correctly. If done poorly, it can also have the opposite effect.
Marketing online has never been easier with tools like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. These can be great resources, but can also harm your efforts. For example, posting a picture of yourself doing a beer bong might get you written off as a potential job candidate. Employers often check social media sites to get background information candidates might have left off their resumes. Keep Facebook and other social media outlets personal. If you are serious, build career-based Facebook and LinkedIn pages that let people know you are a passionate, upstanding, and hard-working individual. You might impress that special someone with your new page.
Try these trusted and tested methods to getting the most out of marketing yourself for a job:
Create Career Pages
A professional-looking career page should present you in a way that will impress a new employer. Get a professional photo taken and spell out areas of interest in your chosen career. Post good information that makes sense—and don’t forget to spell-check and review before posting.
Link to companies with which you are interested in building your career. Invite people who can help further your career to “like” your page. It should go without saying that you shouldn’t post party pictures and bad jokes. A while back, my company placed an advertisement for a sales position. After receiving many resumes and applications, we checked out the Facebook pages of the ones with the most potential. One of the job hunters had a Facebook picture posted of her in a very bad light. Not good for her on many levels. Needless to say, we didn’t hire her.
Let People Know You’re Looking
Once you have established some good connections, let your contacts know you are looking for a new job. Oftentimes, a successful job search is about who you know.
Don’t worry if you don’t have the right contacts yet. Build a career page and keep posting to it. Including your Facebook and LinkedIn pages on a resume shows confidence and lets a prospective employer know you are serious.
Start a Blog
Starting your own blog is another easy way to market yourself. Blogging about your next career can help you better understand it, and could potentially connect you with the perfect position.
Creating a blog is not difficult and writing is very much like a muscle. The more you write and share your ideas, the easier it becomes. Potential employers will likely be very impressed if you can share your blog with them (make sure there are no typos and that your grammar is correct.)
Many companies lack the people, time, and know- how to do social media and regularly have old, outdated information on their websites. There are limitless subjects to blog about. One of the topics could be your experience on finding a job in your chosen career. Be sure to invite people to subscribe to your blog, especially anyone who has given you an interview. This will give you a chance to stay in touch with them so they can find out how brilliant you really are. You can set up a free blog page at wordpress.com or even on Google. Include your new Facebook and LinkedIn pages on every email you send out. Include your Facebook, LinkedIn, and blog site on your business cards.
Business Cards
YES, business cards. Business cards are one of the least expensive ways of marketing yourself. Go to an office store and get fifty printed for ten dollars. Why a business card? Because no one else being interviewed will have one and if you happen to meet someone outside of an interview, business cards are a great way to pass on your information. A business card should be your mini-brochure with contact info and social media info. On the back side, add a list of your qualifications or services.
Remember, all you have to be is a little better than the next guy/girl to get the job. Having your own business card will say something about you. It says you are professional and organized. You will also need business cards for networking career events.
Networking career events? Yes, there are lots of them. Community colleges, universities, employers, chambers of commerce, and other job-finding organizations have them. These are typically advertised events that attract many employers.
Check out school websites and job placement areas. Don’t worry if you did not go to the school. Networking events are easy to crash. You probably won’t be talking to the business owner who can make a decision, but you may be able to get some great leads. Ask lots of questions at such events. This can produce tons of insight on what companies are seeking.
At my company, Telcom & Data, we usually attend two or three networking events a year. We are usually unimpressed with the level of motivation and enthusiasm some college students show at the events. At one job fair event at a local university, more than fifty companies were there to talk to prospective employees at 9 a.m. At our booth, no students showed up until closer to 11 a.m. It was a big room with hiring specialists just talking among themselves.
However you decide to market yourself, make sure you’re confident and showing the best version of yourself! You can do it!